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时间:2017-10-11 14:50    点击量:

Molecular formula: Co(OH)2     
Molecular weight: 92.94
CAS NO.: 21041-93-0
  As a kind of odorless and light pink powder, it is insoluble in water and ethanol but soluble in acid soluble in acid and ammonium salt solution. Its comparative gravity is 3.597g/cm3 and its melting point is (1100-1200) . As for storage, we need to put cobalt oxide in dry and ventilated place, preventing the rain and humidity.
Raw materials for cobalt salt manufacture, drier agent of paint and varnish, as well as catalyst for hydrogen peroxide decomposition. 

控 制 标 准Standard(%) 检 验 结 果Analysis(%)
Co  62.00 Mg  0.005 Co    62.23 Mg  0.0009
Ni  0.05 Na  0.03 Ni    0.0004 Na  0.0062
Fe  0.01 Pb  0.005 Fe    0.0008 Pb  0.0002
Cu  0.002 Cr  0.08 Cu   0.0003 Cr  0.065
Mn  0.003 Al  0.002 Mn   0.0001 Al  0.0001
Zn  0.001 Li  0.001 Zn   0.0001 Li  0.0001
Ca  0.02 Insol. In Acetic Acid≤0.03 Ca   0.0006 Insol. In Acetic Acid 0.019

Address:Room2517 YouHao Road NO.101 Zhongshan District Dalian,China  Telephone:0411-82559819  Fax:0411-82537697
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